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Monday, 4 August 2014

Just Kukuss: The Final Post.

This is probably the last post on this blog. I’ve been through some shit in the past few days that has made me y’know, rethink the things I do. Yeah, I know, my life is your entertainment. No one wants a dull lifestyle, I understand that. But the thing is, it gets pathetic being the asshole all the time.

I’ve tried to turn my life around and guess what, it just ain’t for me. I done given my life to Christ about 9 times, I’ve gone for Police training, I’ve been  to the village – where I had like a gazillion butlers, I’m just from doing a stint in rehab and you know what, I got nothing from it all.

Well, I could have got something from rehab but dealing with psychos for a month just didn’t float my boat so I skipped the fence before I was done with my tenure, got a little bit drunk and I’m back to square one. My close friend, I don’t know if she still is, but my close friend told me to get back to blogging and she’s the reason I started all this. I’d like to apologize to her. I failed. I can’t do this no more.

So, this is the final post. I appreciate the love and support that y’all have given out to a brother. I’m writing this at three o’clock in the morning because sleep is a hard paper nowadays. I’m doing nicorettes to try to reduce on the amount of cigarettes I smoke. Matter of fact, I just pulled my mum from bed because I thought she had stolen my cigarettes. Turns out, I had misplaced them.

And I’m exhausted man. I’ve tried everything to get my life back on track but nothing. I only wanted to get drunk and act a fool for a bit but it seems I’m stuck in my ways. I might start a new wordpress with clean language and all that shit and maybe make some money off this writing shit but so far, it is just embarrassing.

Hey, by the way, my dad reads my blog! Isn’t that like…I don’t know, mindblowing? It is motherfucker, and the best part is that he likes what I write. But by the time you read this, I’ll be in prison. Yeah, he has promised to take me to jail first thing in the morning.

But it is all good, guess I deserve it. Anyway, not to despair, my councilor says she sees something in me – whatever that means. So, it is adios for now. Good bye and good night. Or is it morning? The whole time thing is busting my balls.


  1. brother.. i feel all this.. what u sayin in ur blogs.. true.. life is rough...they say.. we r who we r... but the future can suprise you

    but..this year is somethin else...
    undertaker, for the first time in 3 decades looses a match @ wrestlemainia

    and a brother get done writtin..

    its like the pope has passed..




We shall call this Modern Madness because a more accurate description would be considered Excessive Profanity by more upright folk. Enjoy Your Mayhem!


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